What is Corten Steel?

Corten steel falls under the variant of weathering steel. The corten steel is a group of steel that was developed to eliminate the need for painting in order to get rid of the rusty look.

Corten steel is often used in abstract utilization because it is strong, durable and its weather look is timeless.Unlike other steels, the composition of corten steel stands unique.

The mechanical properties and thickness range corten A and B are for Corten A {thickness(mm) strip products 2-12 and minimum yield strength 345} and for Corten B  {thickness(mm) strip products 2-13 and minimum yield strength 345} Corten Steel tends to affect 2-4 years and lasts long in the same state with very little change.

Usage of Corten steels

Corten steels are ideally used for building, construction, and fabrication purposes. Corten steel is mostly used for artistic and aesthetic outdoor structures. As corten steels are strong resistance against rust, hence preferred for outdoor sculptures.

Corten weathering Steel is also anti-corrosive in nature and gives an attractive appearance.