How To Rust Corten Steel?

Corten steel is widely used in decoration due to its sturdy natural appearance and original appearance. However, it can be delivered unrusted for practical reasons. We explain how to speed up its corrosion using a simple method to avoid waiting several months.

– Generally, Corten steel will corrode or patina after 6 months of atmospheric exposure. Weathering steel types require cycles of wet and dry weather to develop and oxidize. – Rust provides corrosion resistance to Corten steel, which can last from a few decades to over 100 years. – Saltwater or a mixture of vinegar and peroxide combined with salt solutions can inhibit Corten from rusting faster

Designing for Rust Cor-ten steel is becoming increasingly popular for outdoor sculptures and architectural facades. The material's look is so attractive that entire buildings have been designed with it, and it has a legion of residential fans, including myself, throughout the world. On first glance, this material appears unfinished and rustic, and that is what makes it so appealing.