25 Inspiring Ideas Using Corten Steel In Your Garden And Landscape

Flowers White Add A Luminous Touch ----------- A north-facing garden by Bowles & Wyer (opens in new tab) is really lifted by white planting. Agapanthus umbellatus 'Albus' and climber star jasmine add luminosity to the planting

Shift The Layout To Suit The Sun ----------- Garden designer Charlotte Rowe (opens in new tab) explains that a garden needs to work with its orientation. The location of the areas that catch the most sunlight is especially important when the garden faces north.

Rich Greens Need Shade-Loving Plants ----------- The combination of green plantings adds long-lasting interest and is very restful. When filled with lush foliage, a dark corner becomes a calm and welcoming space.

Improve Your Neighbor's Landscape ----------- Your own design can be influenced by trees and plants in a neighboring yard. If you live in a built-up area, borrowed landscapes can be particularly useful.